November 24, 2015

WFC Shattered Glass Optimus Prime

Not much to say about this.
Brush-painted with Tamiya Acrylic in winter 2011. 
WFC deluxe prime is one of my all time favorite TF toys.
Shame we don't see more official products from WFC/FOC designs.

November 15, 2015

HG 1/144 Space Jahannam OOB mini review

Only bought Space Jahannam because it was heavily discounted at HLJ.
I kind of despised this kit because this unremarkable grunt suit made it to the kit while my favorite MS design Hecate from G-Reco didn't.

Moreover, the proportions for this kit are terrible compared to the original design.
It's not uncommon for Bandai to screw up model's proportion but it's very hard to ignore in this case.

Not to mention the same cheap move found in many of the recent HG kits just to save the cost of molding one trigger hand....

My expectation for this kit was extremely low to begin with so I was able to enjoy this kit and focus on its good quality.   

The kit is decent from both front and back views.
Unassuming MS design with simple armament.
The shield looks solid with good thickness and it's on a ball joint which is rare for today's HGs. 
One thing I like about this kit is that it uses more realistic looking joints instead of the functional but ugly double joints like the ones in HG Build Burning Gundam. 

Two sets of hands, beam axe in closed and extended forms, rifle and shield.

The articulation is below average, only 90 degree for both arm and knee due to the joint design choice mentioned earlier.

It's a little bland without detailing. Need to paint most of the thruster white.
The head sculpt is nice though.

Despite the limited articulation, it's actually fun to fiddle with this kit.
Just wish the shoulder was better designed so it could raise more than 60 degree.

For a kit with below average articulations and slightly above average details,
HG Space Jahannam is really only for the fan of the design or the series.