February 28, 2015

HGUC 1/144 RGM-89 Jegan

The colour scheme is loosely based on HCM-pro Jegan.
I always wanted a HCM-pro Jegan but it had a huge markup at my local shop when it came out and I couldn't justify spending that kind of money at a scale I am not collecting. 
(FYI, HCM-pro is 1/200)   
Anyway, I used Re-Gz manual as the mixing guide for teal blue and used what I had at hand for the rest of the colour.  

Due to lack of front skirt armour and large shoulder, the torso looks a little stumpy.
I extended the waist and red cockpit hatch by a few mms to give it a more balanced look.


The HGUC Jegan costs ¥1500 (Japanese Yen) which is relatively cheap in today's standard.
However, its Zeon counterpart HGUC Geara Doga only costs ¥300 more and is bigger and includes way more accessories than Jegan.

Wasn't sure if the c-cut would work for seam line so I cut off the back shoulder armour instead. 

Crappy photo booth is no match for the nature daylight 

Comparing to OOB Jegan

My Jegan family back in May 2014.

Personal favorite angle 

Well, the panel-lining isn't that successful this time.
I put too little future wax clear coat and didn't let it fully cure.
As the result, I kind of ruined the backpack paint job because some base paint got eat through.
Instead of repaint the backpack, I decided to just let it go and used the brush to fix the problem.
Last time I tried to repaint a part, I ended up striping paints off the entire kit and that poor HGUC BD-1 has been sitting in a box since 2013.

February 18, 2015

HGUC RGM-89 & 89J Jegans

It's too cold to airbrush and my hand is itching to paint something so I just added the missing colour by brush. It also prevents me from starting another full project which could last for years based on my track record.

Left: HGUC RGM-89J Jegan (F91 version)   Right: HGUC RGM-89 Jegan   Back: HGUC RGM-89 Jegan (Painted Build)

HGAW Double X Gundam I did earlier this year. Like the 2 Jegans above, I just hand-painted the missing colour.